
Joe (Not Joel)

It's strange how much you can learn about someone in a very short amount of time. Like yesterday, I went into the guidance counselor's office to talk about scheduling stuff with him, and then I ended up giving him a 45-second sound byte of my entire life. Basically, it went like this:

"So, what are you planning to do after high school?" he asked. "Well," I replied, "I'm going to go to college, obviously, but after that I want to be an English teacher."

"Oh really? Why is that?"

"I just really like the subject. And my dad was an English teacher."

"That's interesting... Where does he teach?"

"He doesn't teach around here. He teaches in Colorado. At least, he used to."


"Well.... he... uhhh... doesn't work there anymore."

"Oh. So what does he say about you becoming an English teacher?"

"He's pretty supportive... I haven't talked to him in like four years... soo I don't know exactly what he thinks..."

"Is your mom okay with you becoming a teacher?"

"Yeah, yeah! She used to be a preschool teacher."

Okay, now that you know my entire messy life pretty much, can we end Special Talk Time With Mr. Johnson and get to my junior schedule please? But sometimes its a good thing. Like today I was waiting for a ride after musical practice (and waiting and waiting and waiting) and the person who plays the lead role, Joe, and I started talking and I learned a lot about him. He's a really nice guy, and super relaxed about life. He used to be in football, and now he gave it up to be in musical. He's also in Robos, and gave that up too. So he's super committed to his part (I hope so, b/c he's the main role!). He's also not stressed out about the play at all yet, even though this is his first time ever being on stage in front of people, and it's a week until show. He was telling me about how he used to be so scared about singing in front of people, and now he doesn't care anymore. Some people were also complaining about how he gets special treatment earlier, and he didn't overhear it, but he was telling me that he hates how the directors cut him a lot of slack, and he doesn't want to be given any special attention. (We also talked about some other stuff too. We were kind of talking for a long time. Our rides were taking forever to get there.) So he's just a really nice person. And, he asked twice if I needed a ride home before he finally went to his car. I can see why his girlfriend loves him so much.

So, not an especially amusing post today, but I just thought how it was interesting how sometimes you can spend three months with someone, and barely know them, but at the same time you can sit for thirty minutes with someone and learn a lot, if you're actually listening.


Introducing Electric Guitar: The New Ibuprofen!

Today I had an absolutely splitting headache in musical practice, and no ibuprofen or anything, so it was horrible. But then afterwards I decided to go in the band room and hang out. Right next to people playing the drums and Kevin the guitar guy and the piano. Kira's a smart person!!! (NOT!). But it actually helped a little... I guess being distracted from my headache was kind of a painkiller. I was in more pain listening to Kevin wail on the guitar than from my headache (No, I'm kidding. Kevin is literally amazing on the guitar. I was sitting there watching his fingers fly up and down across the strings and I was just in awe. But of course, I didn't tell him that. His head is big enough already.) And then I got to dance around in the back of the room while the jazz band had practice, because Mr. Waite is awesome and doesn't care that I don't belong in the band room. I kind of miss being in band (See, now we'll know whether Fedie actually reads these posts or not because he won't be able to resist posting some sarcastic comment about me not being in band.) Kevin had to play the same chord for an entire song, and so he came up to me, and this is how our little conversation went.
"Please, kill me now. Just kill me now." (while still playing the correct chords on beat and whatever)
"Gladly! I shall beat you to death with my phone." (insert pantomime of beating Kevin to death here)
*10 minutes later *
"I'm serious. Just kill me. Please! Please! Please!"
"I can't. I have to be a good girl and be quiet in the back and not be distracting. I think beating you to death would be described as "bad," and it definitely would be distracting."

I'm paraphrasing a little. Okay, here endeth the pointless blog that I spewed out at 11: 39 at night even though I should be sleeping. Good night! I love you all! <3 Oh, yeah, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MAYA!! AND MY MOTHER!! (even though my mother doesn't read my blogs. actually, i doubt she knows i even have one.... okay. no more tangents. i love maya best of all, even though she expected me to remember her birthday in the quarter of a second i saw her in the hallway today....)



Fun fact: People who use Match.com are 3 times more likely to find a match on Match.com than people who never use the website. Go figure.

 Everyone I talk to is aching to know if I have a crush on someone. I mean, it's okay in high school, like, we're in high school.  If you don't have a crush on someone, you're abnormal or something (nobody had better say anything about me being abnormal in the first place. >:( ... :D) You know how Google looks at the stuff you click on and stuff, and then fits advertisements to you? Well, apparently Google is in on the "Kira-needs-a-crush" scheme, because the advertisement just told me to find my soulmate on Match.com! Like, seriously? Really? Who's pulling the strings here, because this is just weird.

Two minutes later: I just previewed this blog on my site, and the computer put a link on "find your soulmate." This is ceasing to be funny. o_o


I'm Such A Nice Person

Because Maya's not on Google, I don't know if she will see this or not, but I'm putting it here anyways. This is from about a year ago, like my 8th grade summer:

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Maya Pechenov <climberguru@yahoo.com>
To: Kira Lange <twall246@yahoo.com>; Fedie <dragonclaw518@yahoo.com>; Cari Dowden 1 <cld90000@yahoo.com>; Allie Bitz <stripedwalrus@yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:04 PM
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Trivia?

I found this in my old files while I was cleaning out my inbox. Thought I'd make some comments.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Natalie Heise <natalieb_08@yahoo.com>
To: Love <fediej69@yahoo.com>; Krystal Fedie <sweetness728@sbcglobal.net>; Brandon Fedie <dragonclaw518@yahoo.com>; Jen Lautenschleger <jrheise@hotmail.com>; Karin Schei <karinschei@gmail.com>; Laurie and Dave Karrels <djkarrels@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tue, March 15, 2011 6:27:11 PM
Subject: Fwd: Trivia?
 Did you  know?
 If you are right handed,  you will tend to chew your food on the right side of your mouth. If you  are left handed, you will tend to chew your food on the left side of  your mouth. I can't imagine what scientists do to obtain this knowledge. Ask people if they're right or left handed, then sit there and watch as they chew their food?
To make half a kilo of  honey, bees must collect nectar from over 2 million individual  flowers Poor flowers. 
Communications giant  Nokia was founded in 1865 as a wood-pulp mill by Fredrik  Idestam. ARGG IT'S A GIANT
 Tourists visiting  Iceland should know that tipping at a restaurant is considered an  insult! Gasp! Scandalous!  
People in nudist  colonies play volleyball more than any other  sport. Again, how do they find this out? Sit on the sand dunes with binoculars and casually observe?  
 Albert Einstein was  offered the presidency of Israel in 1952, but he  declined. "Mr. Einstein, will you be president of our great country, Israel?" "E EQUALS MC SQUARED!" *blink blink* "I'll take that as a no..."
 Astronauts can't belch -  there is no gravity to separate liquid from gas in their  stomachs. "Houston...we have a problem..."
 Ancient Roman, Chinese  and German societies often used urine as  mouthwash. For that fresh, clean feeling!    
Because of the speed at  which Earth moves around the Sun, it is impossible for a solar eclipse  to last more than 7 minutes and 58 seconds. *Sobs* My life...is over...  
 There are over 25  million bubbles waiting to burst out of each bottle of  Champagne NO, THERE ARE 25 MILLION AND FIVE! I COUNTED!  
 Google is actually the  common name for a number with a million zeros Duuuh.
 When it originally  appeared in 1886 - Coca Cola was billed as an Esteemed Brain Tonic and  Intellectual Beverage. Think of how disappointed the founders would be to see kids nowadays.
 Zero is the only number  that cannot be represented by Roman numerals The Romans didn't believe in losing. Overachievers.

 The song, Auld Lang  Syne, is sung at the stroke of midnight in almost every English-speaking  country in the world to bring in the new year. What the heck is that?   
For every real Christmas  tree harvested, two to three seedlings are planted in its  place. See? Christmas is eco-friendly!  
 Drinking water after  eating reduces the acid in your mouth by 61  percent Glub glub    
 Nine out of every 10  living things live in the ocean And another 5% live under rocks.
 The banana cannot  reproduce itself. It can be propagated only by the hand of  man Um... then how did humans discover it in the first place?
 Airports at higher  altitudes require a longer airstrip due to lower air  density Denver: Mile High City with a Mile Long Airstrip.
 Fish and Chip selling  officially remained an offensive trade until 1940 due to the smell it  produces It's what Sherlock Holmes tracked down on his free time.  
 The University of Alaska  spans four time zones One big campus.
The tooth is the only  part of the human body that cannot heal itself. They're left hanging.
 In ancient Greece,  tossing an apple to a girl was a traditional proposal of marriage.  Catching it meant she accepted.
But what if she caught it accidentally out of reflex?
Intelligent people have  more zinc and copper in their hair. Mmm Mmm Good
 Caffeine increases the  power of aspirin and other painkillers, that is why it is found in some  medicines. "Please, sir, return to your hospital bed!" "I can't, nurse! I'm HYYYYYPPPPEEEERRR!!!!!!!" 
The military salute is a  motion that evolved from medieval times, when knights in armor raised  their visors to reveal their identity. Darth Vader helped out with that process. Eep aah. Eep ahh.      
If you get into the  bottom of a well or a tall chimney and look up, you can see stars, even  in the middle of the day. Sooty astronomers!       
When a person dies,  hearing is the last sense to go. The first sense lost is  sight "She's dead!" "NOOO!" *dies*     
Trivia in Roman  mythology was the goddess who haunted crossroads, graveyards and was the  goddess of  sorcery and witchcraft.  She wandered about at night, and was seen only by the barking of dogs  who told of her approach. She was also the goddess of stalkers and hobos!        
In ancient times  strangers shook hands to show that they were  unarmed But that doesn't always work to your benefit. For example, if you shook hands with Chuck Norris...
Strawberries are the  only fruits whose seeds grow on the outside They're just cool like that.        
It cost the soft drink  industry $100 million a year for thefts committed involving vending  machines The main crimimals: raccoons and bears      
The moon moves about two  inches away from the Earth each year Earth got REJECTED      
The Earth gets 100 tons  heavier every day due to falling space dust Got some chub in the tub     
 Due to earth's gravity  it is impossible for mountains to be higher than 15,000  meters The sky really is the limit.        
Soldiers do not march in  step when going across bridges because they could set up a vibration  which could be sufficient to knock the bridge  down Where do you think "Three Little Goats Gruff" came from?
Everything weighs one  percent less at the equator Visit Equatorial Ginuea and lose weight!
Mickey Mouse is known as  "Topolino" in Italy Get 'em, Donald Duck!
It takes glass one  million years to decompose, which means it never wears out and can be  recycled an infinite amount of times! Another recycling thought: do you think we could knit a sweater from Fedie's afro hair? And give it to Michelle?

Oops. I just realized. I think Maya might be subscribed to me... so she automatically gets all of these. Oh, well. While I'm at it, might as well finish off. 

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Maya Pechenov <climberguru@yahoo.com>
To: Kira Lange <twall246@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 5:12 AM
Subject: Fedie's Amazing Ropeplaying Skills

Don't ask; just read. This from our Dragon Rp on the Warriors Forum.
Fedie: Graythorn pointed at the crumpled mass of pink, "your unicorn died."
Other Roleplayer: Ukla saw Grockle fly in on his unicorn, that died, "Hey!" she called to him, "can we cook that up and eat it?"
Fedie: "I doubt it," graythorn said. "those things give me indigestion"
OP: Ukla blinked, "You've... eaten a unicorn before?"
Fedie: "No, why do you ask?" he responded. [....he's a little out of it]
OP: "...No reason," Ukla mumbled.


Show Choir Competition

I told Mikayla that I would try and take pictures or videos during the show choir competition, but I didn't get a chance to... Sooo... I'm going to just go over it here... same thing as a video, right?
I think the most important things that happened today were... ummm....
#1) We got first place for the pep division (meaning we had lots of energy, and totally killed ourselves cheering for the other teams and dancing around in the stands). Actually, even though the award wasn't for our actual performance, it still took TONS of energy. After every performance we yelled, "SYNERGY (our show choir name) LOVES YOU!!!" and the screamed and yelled and clapped and stuff (I was going to write wooed, and then I'm like, oh, wait, that's an actual word.) And then in between each performance we stood up and danced like crazy insane people and did roller coasters and were basically cheerleaders the entire time. It was exhausting. 
#2) I got a super yummy muffin and iced coffee (it was sooooo good!)
#3) We went to McDonalds afterwards, and I got an eggnog shake! It made me so happy! But everyone was teasing me while they were eating because... well... Some information is left better off the internet. Lets just say it was because of a conversation we were having about flirting and leave it at that.
#4) At the end of the day, when we were all super pooped out and about to die, we were all waiting for the bus to come so we could take the drum set outside, and a guy came over to us (meaning me and a couple of other girls) and was like, "I thought you girls were the cutest, so here's a gold star." And then he threw a RED foam star at us, and we were like, "Hey, dude! That's a red star, you idiot." But then one of the girls named Mary Jo picked up the star and he wrote his name and phone number on it!! It's like seriously? Is this guy for real? So the star bopped around our show choir and ended up with a guy named Brad in our choir, and then he kind of threw it at me, and I'm like, whatever. I'll keep it as a souvenir. So I got a guys number...
[i never did end up calling that dude. hmmm....] #5) There was a group of little 12 year olds and they did a Seussical medley and sang the song from Tangled when they're at the Snuggly Duckling... It was sooo cute! There was this little boy who "played" Flynn Rider, and he was adorable! I think probably the cutest thing in the world is little boys who sing and dance and are good at it and don't look like they're being tortured while its happening... So cute!

So yeah. Obviously, a lot more happened today, but I have finals this week to study for. Sooo.... if you really want to know more about it (as I'm sure you are dying to hear every insignificant detail), idk, call me up or something. My phone definitely won't be busy, as I am NOT calling Mr. Star's number.



Yesterday, I walked through Walmart with my eyes as big as moons. And no, its not because I was going through the ice cream aisle. My eyes were literally as big as moons. Because... I got my eyes dilated at Walmart... woot. So I basically walked through a grocery store with my eyes feeling like somebody shoved flour or something under my eyelids (I know that's a weird comparison, but it totally felt like that!). And then I came home and looked in the mirror, and was like, OH MY GOODNESS! I look like a cat! Or a anime character! Or something! And then my second thought was: I wish I was at school so I could puppy-dog-eye someone into giving me a cookie or something. Sadness.