Background: The planties are from a Biology experiment from 9th grade having to do with getting little plants and subjecting them to various types of torture. Fedie was in my group, and his plant was named Charles Ferdinand II (aka Ferdie). My plant was appropriately named Cleopatra (the actual Cleopatra has a very famous death, for those non-history buffs out there), who was watered with salt water during the experiment. At the end of the project, miraculously, all three were alive. Even Cleopatra, though she was just about dead. Cleo died a long time ago, but Ferdie just recently passed away. I thought it was fair to let Fedie know what was going on.
From: Kira Lange <>
To: Fedie <>
this is a very sad subject... but i feel that you deserve to know...
ferdie whatever whatever his name was... has finally died. we tried to
keep him alive for as long as we could, but he just didn't want to live.
i'm so sorry... 

From: Brandon Fedie <>
To: Kira Lange <>
I need my space...
XD well it lasted a while
From: Kira Lange <>
To: Brandon Fedie <>
had a good life... but he was probably pining away for cleopatra. she
died a long time ago, and ever since he was separated from her, it's
just been going downhill.
From: Brandon Fedie <>
To: Kira Lange <>
that loser.
From: Kira Lange <>
To: Brandon Fedie <>
haha... i tried to tell him to find another plantie and move on, but he wouldn't listen to me.
From: Brandon Fedie <>
To: Kira Lange <>
wimp. i'm disowning him if that's the case.
From: Kira Lange <>
To: Brandon Fedie <>
well, he's dead. i don't think that disowning him will make much difference to him anymore...
From: Brandon Fedie <>
To: Kira Lange <>
too bad. it reflects bad on me if i let that kind of behavior slide.
From: Kira Lange <>
To: Brandon Fedie
shame on you. it's all your fault he died (*sobs*)
From: Brandon Fedie <>
To: Kira Lange <>
he's the one who went into depression after Cleopatra died. And you
didn't inform me of this at all. so how was i supposed to know?!! if
you had told me i might have been able to smack some sense into him.
I'm now blaming you.
From: Kira Lange <>
To: Brandon Fedie <>
who was the one who tried to nurse him back to health? me. and who was
the one who abandoned him as a young child? you. i rest my case.
obviously, his issues with relationships must have had roots in his
traumatic experience as a child.
didn't abandon him. i nurtured him and let him grow. When it was time
for him to go out into the world, i let him go. YOU were supposed to
keep me informed if anything happened.
From: Kira Lange <>
To: Brandon Fedie <>
I did!!! I told you he died. You never asked about him, so i figured you didn't care.
hahahahaha :) this made me smile...
ReplyDeleteyeah, i was laughing while i was writing it... we always have the best arguments.