
Ode to My One True Love

Ode to My One True Love
By Kira Lange
You bring warmth into my heart on even the most cold and unforgiving nights
Breathing the summer’s sun on my face and making all feel right in the world
The heat radiating off of you is enough to make me faint
When you come in, you warm the room instantly, instead of making me suffer needlessly
Your love for me warms me to my core, and I can feel your adoration emanating from you
Although many others may try to gain my affections, only you, my dearest space heater, will hold the key (and the one touch button) to my heart forever


  1. Aw you've been thinking about me again ;)

  2. Well, i love you very much Hailey, but my love for my space heater is so much more... sorry to burst your bubble.. :D
